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Beth Harper Design | Books

Book Recs!

I love books. I love reading books, looking at books, and being around books. I love bookstores and libraries. My favorite job was my first job at Barnes and Noble. Something about books bringing people together into a community space feels really comforting and inspiring. Above all else, I love hearing about what other people are reading and love a good book rec! The ‘staff picks’ section of bookstores and…

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Scam Icon | Beth Harper Design

A scammer posed as a potential client…here’s what happened (and what to watch out for!)

Last week, I received an inquiry through my website’s contact form from someone who was posing as a potential illustration client. I had just pushed some site updates live a day prior, including posting some new illustrations, so receiving an inquiry for an illustration job felt validating of all the work I had just put in. While most contact form submissions are typically spam, my filters historically have done a…

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